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Intel Processors

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Intel Core i5, Core i7 and Core i9 Processors for Gaming PCs

Despite intense competition rapidly encroaching on Intel, their chips are unquestionably fast and continue to be an attractive choice. The central processing unit (CPU), sometimes known as the processor, is what gives computers their intelligence. It handles incoming commands. The brain processes information and completes complicated tasks more quickly and efficiently the faster it is.

Everything from high-end gaming PCs to power-efficient laptops, use Intel CPUs. Given the extensiveness of their Intel Core lineup, Intel CPUs continue to be an appealing alternative. Almost everyone can use an Intel CPU. Installing or upgrading to the most recent generation Intel CPU is a certain way to boost your computer’s performance significantly.

Browse our collection of Intel CPUs. If you have any questions about which processor is right for your build and budget, contact our team.

Understanding Processor Names and Types

Intel processors are broken down into different categories to make it easier for you to decide which CPU you want to include in your gaming PC. Some aspects to consider include the following.

Brand Modifier

The brand designations i3, i5, i7, and i9 are associated with the Intel® Core CPU family. Performance is improved, and in some cases, further capabilities (such as Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology) are available with higher brand modifier numbers. For instance, an i7 will perform better than an i5, which will perform better than an i3 within a certain processor family.


The processor’s generation indication comes after the brand and brand modifier. In all Intel® CoreTM processor brands, the processor number identifies the Intel® processor generation. The first digit of a four-digit processor number normally denotes the generation. For instance, a CPU branded 10600 is a 10th-generation processor, whereas a 13700 processor uses 13th-generation technology.

It’s important to understand which processor you want as well as its generation for maximum performance for your budget.

What are Processor Cores?

To more effectively divide and parallelise the workload, cores—which are actual processors—can be divided into virtual processors, also known as threads. For more effective processing, it can be divided into two smaller jobs and performed across two virtual threads rather than performing one large task on one physical core.

Regularly, Intel adds a new ‘generation’ of Core processors with improved performance and features. Examples include the introduction of the Intel Core 11th generation processor (codenamed Rocket Lake) at the start of 2021 and the launch of the Intel Core 12th generation processors (codenamed Alder Lake) at the end of 2021. Alder Lake utilises the latest DDR5 memory and is constructed on a smaller, more efficient 10nm production node than Rocket Lake.

Differences in Processors

There are several categories within the Intel Core series, including i3, i5, i7, and i9. The rise in numbers indicates generally improved functionality and performance. This often shows up as larger core counts as well as higher core clocks. Because it has 8 cores instead of only 6, an Intel Core i7 is superior to an i5, for example. An Intel Core i3 CPU would work well in a budget PC designed for everyday chores like word processing and web browsing. Gaming, content creation, and power users will want the faster Intel Core i7 and i9 CPUs as you move up the stack.

Which Processor Do I Need?

The Intel Core i7 CPU is the best choice for gaming. Until the monstrous Intel Core i9 was launched, it stood for Intel’s highest level of performance for the longest time. The i7 CPU is commonly mentioned as the greatest gaming CPU, even if the i9 may be technically quicker. An i7 is more than strong enough for the most recent, and next-generation, games with up to 8 cores and 16 threads with hyper-threading (splitting one physical core into two virtual cores) and startlingly quick turbo boosts for improved performance.

Their flagship product, the Intel Core i9 CPU, boldly displays Intel’s technical prowess. It is by far their most sophisticated processor and is capable of handling any application, regardless of how complicated. Even with tasks that demand a lot of performance, multitasking is effortless. You need an i9 CPU to power your PC if you’re a designer, engineer, or power user.
